It's anybody's guess
Daily English
코너스톤 , 2010-05-26 , 조회 (147) , 추천 (0) , 반대 (0), 스크랩 (0)

 선거철에 누가 당선이 될 것 같습니까? 라는 질문을 누가 했을 때 원어민이라면 어떻게 대답을 하고  만약에 "It's anybody's guess." 라고 했다면 그 의미는 무엇일까요. 그 뜻은   "예측이 불가능하다." 입니다.  달리 말해서 The three major contenders are in a dead heat.  여기서 in a dead heat는 neck and neck 과 같은 뜻 즉 막상막하(우열을 가리기 힘든 상태)를 가리킨다.

 몇 년 전에 대학원 시험준비를 위해서 AFN TV를 자주 보게 되었는데, 그 때에 부시 대통령과 엘 고어 후보가 TV 토론(debate)에 참여를 하였습니다. 그 당시 이 토론회를 지켜본 전문가들(experts)이 가장 많이 썼던 표현은 neck and neck이었습니다. 'neck and neck'은 경주말들이 시합을 하면서 서로 앞서거니 뒤서거니 하는 예측불허의 상황을 생각하시면 됩니다.'


트랙백주소:  수신불가

2010-06-01 23:17:20   (+0) (-0)

다음에서 찾아본 예문들


  • It is anybody`s guess how much higher the scandal could implicate figures of the Presidential Office. (출처: The Korea Herald)

    “이 의혹이 청와대의 어느 선까지 연루시킬 수 있을지는 누구든 추측할 수 있다.

  • But he never responded when I asked him what he meant, so I suppose it's really anybody's guess. (출처: USENET)
  • Now, what became of it when the Potter House went Kablooie is anybody's guess. (출처: USENET)
  • Exactly to where it leads the matter it absorbs can be anybody's guess. (출처: USENET)
  • What happens to me next is anybody's guess, but I will be exiting the vehicle if I am conscious. (출처: USENET)
  • Elusive and reclusive, where he will pop up next is anybody's guess. (출처: USENET)
  • On the web, it's anybody's guess who might be using the site. (출처: USENET)
  • Dunleavy will come off the bench, again, and it's anybody's guess what he might contribute. (출처: USENET)
  • The severity would be anybody's guess, but two consequences would seem unavoidable. (출처: Herald Tribune)
  • Knockout succeeded Monty Hall's short-lived It's Anybody's Guess. (출처: USENET)
  • How many pieces of pertinent material have been concealed, removed, destroyed or altered is anybody's guess. (출처: USENET)
  • What the outcome will be is anybody's guess, but very interesting times are ahead. (출처: USENET)
  • What it means to Eddie or Wolf or the tour is anybody's guess. (출처: USENET)
  • What you'll get the rest of the time is anybody's guess. (출처: USENET)
  • Its anybody's guess what the voter turnout will be in 2008. (출처: USENET)
  • Who, if anyone, in the Bush administration might be implicated is anybody's guess. (출처: USENET)
  • It's anybody's guess what party will come out on top. (출처: USENET)
  • Just how long it would take you to "correct" the image is anybody's guess. (출처: USENET)
  • How long such a destructive policy can last before much worse happens is anybody's guess. (출처: USENET)
  • Ones with natural pigments are pretty stable, ones with synthetic pigments are anybody's guess. (출처: USENET)

  • How much is needed is anybody's guess, but we are talking nearer to ?100m than ?10m. (출처: The Independent)
  • Who will win the two-way Democratic fight or the three-way Republican fight is now anybody's guess. (출처: USENET)
  • Whether Heff's name has any influence on the song's name is anybody's guess. (출처: USENET)
  • What the understanding will be in hundreds of years is anybody's guess. (출처: USENET)
  • Why he's doing it is anybody's guess. (출처: USENET)
  • Beyond that, it is anybody's guess as to the scale of Iraq's as-yet-untapped gas reserves. (출처: USENET)
  • Why you think I didn't is anybody's guess. (출처: USENET)
  • And after that, it's anybody's guess. (출처: The Independent)
  • What you don't like is anybody's guess. (출처: USENET)
  • Whether it will work or not is anybody's guess. (출처: eHow)
  • When that happens in North Port is anybody's guess. (출처: USENET)
  • How high is anybody's guess. (출처: Herald Tribune)
  • The outcome in America would be anybody's guess. (출처: USENET)
  • Why it couldn't stay that way is anybody's guess. (출처: USENET)
  • How long that might last is anybody's guess. (출처: Herald Tribune)
  • Whenever, wherever or whichever is anybody's guess. (출처: USENET)
  • And it's anybody's guess when the buying will begin. (출처: USENET)
  • The how or when, of course, is anybody's guess. (출처: USENET)
  • Without faith, it's anybody's guess. (출처: USENET)
  • What was said in item 2 about cost is anybody's guess. (출처: USENET)

  • He also plans on eventually filming an independent zombie movie, but when that will be is anybody's guess. (출처: USENET)
  • Your description of what you are doing is so unclear that it's anybody's guess what the compiler is really seeing. (출처: USENET)
  • And today it is anybody's guess which Caribbean island the United States will invade to celebrate its victory in Iraq. (출처: USENET)
  • The proper and un-traditional name "Kuma" is of obscure meaning, one source suggesting "at last," but why is anybody's guess. (출처: USENET)
  • Griffin doesn't even buy a fucking lottery ticket and why he subscribes to a lottery ng is anybody's guess! (출처: USENET)
  • The only way to manage it would be with a covert stopover midway?it's anybody's guess where. (출처: USENET)
  • What state will then emerge is anybody's guess but it could well be a very chaotic or despotic state. (출처: USENET)
  • How much further fascism and imperialism will progress before the American people wake from their trance is anybody's guess. (출처: USENET)
  • Now it is anybody's guess how long Broadway will suffer through a near-complete shutdown. (출처: Herald Tribune)
  • Who will win the next game is anybodys guess. (출처: Oxford IDIOMS)
  • What will happen next is anybodys guess. (출처: OALD)
  • I guess he doesn't want to rock anybody's canoe. (출처: USENET)
  • Anybody want to guess who's record he broke? (출처: USENET)
  • If anybody pressed it today I'm guessing it's likely even the current allowance for syphliss might change. (출처: USENET)
  • Your guess is as good as mine. or It´s anybody´s guess. (출처: 동아 프라임 한영사전)

    잘 모르겠는데요

  • The game is anybody´s guess. or A situation whose outcome is uncertain. (출처: 동아 프라임 한영사전)

    승부가 뚜렷하지 않은 국세이다

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