Delivered Out of Darkness and Transferred into the All-inclusive Christ
Today's Emanna
코너스톤 , 2011-03-22 , 조회 (248) , 추천 (0) , 반대 (0), 스크랩 (0)

Bible Verses
Colossians 1:12 Giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified you for a share of the allotted portion of the saints in the light; (13) Who delivered us out of the authority of darkness and transferred us into the kingdom of the Son of His love,


Words of Ministry
  Just as the good land was the portion of the children of Israel, so Christ today is the portion of the saints. We have pointed out that as Paul was composing 1:12 he had in mind the type of the land of Canaan. In 1:13 he goes on to say, “Who delivered us out of the authority of darkness and transferred us into the kingdom of the Son of His love.” This verse reminds us of the way the children of Israel were delivered out of Egypt and transferred into the good land. Thus, Paul's concept in 1:13 is the same as that revealed in the exodus from Egypt and in the entering into the good land. In ancient times, God delivered His people out of Egypt and brought them into the good land. God the Father has done the same thing with us. He has delivered us out of the authority of darkness, typified by Pharaoh and Egypt, and has transferred us into the all- inclusive Christ, typified by the good land. Just as the children of Israel were transferred out of Egypt into a land flowing with milk and honey, a land where there was no tyranny, so we have been transferred into a marvelous realm, called the kingdom of the Son of the Father's love. Therefore, to be qualified for a share of the portion of the saints is actually to enter into the good land. Paul's composition of 1:12 and 13 is thus according to the picture in the Old Testament.


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