The faith is the economy
The economy of God
by 티미
1. The faith is the economy
The economy of God
The household administration
The dispensing of our God
The truth is the contents
The reality of the faith
According to God's economy
Godliness is a living that expresses
The divine reality
An expression of God in all His riches
Full of all gravity
2. Healthy teaching, words and speaking
are the ministry of the truth,
Ministering into people
the reality of these truths;
Eternal life is the means
and the power to carry out.
The divine realities of the faith.
3. faith is the response to the truth
of the faith.
Conscience is a test and a check
to preserve us in the faith.
The faith is the economy,
the economy of God,
The household administration,
the dispensing of our God.
4. The faith, the truth, expressed in
healthy words,
Carried out in power by His life,
Expressed in godly living,
responded to by faith,
Kept and held in check
by our conscience.