1. Sweet fellowship there is no doubt or fear
No heaviness, a conscience void of offense;
Though fallen man and once was rebellious to You
Now may draw near to You through the altar.
I'm coming through the altar
To God my exceeding joy (Ps.43:4b)
With what I am;
And a sparrow like me has found a home;
The cross as the altar,
Where a swallow like her, a nest for a rest;
As I come unto Your altar?
A place a shepherd (for a mother) to lay her young!
2. A sparrow, weak, small and insignificant
No definite dwelling place or safeguard to run
This universe, although great, rest and joy has none.
Lord, we rely on You through the altar.
3. A swallow, shepherd who cares for the new ones
No safest place on earth to lay her young;
For them to live, multiply and may grow in life?
Lord we lay them to You on the altar.
4. I watched and I am like a sparrow alone (Ps.102:7)
On the housetop watching, Lord before Your throne;
And in Your presence I have found my habitation,
I'm grateful for the cross, the real altar!