773장-달려갈길 다 마치고-When I've run the race before me
개인/ 중창 찬송
하나님-사람 2012-05-25 , 조회 (939) , 추천 (0) , 스크랩 (0)

1.When I've run the race before me
And have fought to victory,
I'll be raptured to the glory of the Lord;
When I've kept the faith at any cost,
The Holy City then
I'll receive as my reward.

I'll be raptured into glory,
In the Holy City dwell?
New Jerusalem, New Jerusalem;
With the overcomers shouting,
How our praises then will swell,
In the New Jerusalem.

2.As a pilgrim here I wander;
While afflicted, I rejoice,
For a better land I soon expect to see;
Though all others seek for earthly gain,
The Holy City e'er
Will my aspiration be.

3.Though my feet are often wearied
On the rough and rugged path,
Just by thinking of that city, I'm restored;
Though my eyes be filled with tears,
My heart will evermore be fixed
On that City, my reward.

영어찬송:?   한국어찬송: 773장


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