What Release the Savior Gave Me!
개인/ 중창 찬송
순수한마음 2012-05-28 , 조회 (1096) , 추천 (0) , 스크랩 (0)


What Release the Savior Gave Me!
Hymns, #540 , Capo 1

A                      D
1. What release the Savior gave me!
D7                    E
Christ indeed has set me free!
A                        D
All the pow'r of sin is broken,
A                   E                        A
All death's sting is passed from me!

D                             A
Christ has made me more than conqu'ror,
B7                    E
By His mighty victory,
                 E7                 A             D    
        Now His resurrection power
A              E                A
From my spirit strengthens me!

2. From the law Christ has delivered,
To its claims I'm ever dead;
Nevermore the law shall bind me,
But by grace I'll live instead.

3. Christ has sin condemned at Calv 'ry
And its power done away;
Now it has no ground within me,
I am freed from all its sway.

4. Death by Him has been abolished,
Incorrupted life is shown;
Death's enthralling bonds are broken,
Resurrection life is known.

5. Christ through death has crushed the devil,
World and demons by His might,
From the pow'r of darkness brought me
To the realm of life and light.

6. All-sufficient grace He giveth,
With His pow'r He covers me,
Makes me glory in my weakness
And in weakness strengthens me.

추천 스크랩 전체목록

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