141장-주님을 생각할 때에-Lord Jesus Christ, our heart feels sweet
개인/ 중창 찬송
하나님-사람 2012-07-20 , 조회 (1126) , 추천 (0) , 스크랩 (0)

1 Lord Jesus Christ, our heart feels sweet
    Whene’er we think on Thee,
  And long that to Thy presence dear
    We soon might raptured be!

    Lord, like the pretty henna-flower*,
      In vineyards blossoming Thou art;
    Incomp’rable Thy beauty is,
      Admires and loves our heart!

2 There is no music adequate
    Thy grace in full to praise,
  Nor there a heart which could enjoy
    Thy love in every phase.

3 Yet, what delights our heart the most
    Is not Thy love, Thy grace;
  But it is Thine own loving Self
    That satisfies always.

4 Oh, Thou art fairer than the fair,
    And sweeter than the sweet;
  Beside Thee, none in heaven or earth
    Our heart’s desire could meet.

영어찬송: 171장 한국어찬송:141장


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