1.We love Thy coming, Lord!
We know not when ’twill be,
But turn from all distracting things
Thine own dear face to see.
2.We serve the living God
And wait His Son to see;
For this we need faith, love, and hope,
Increasing constantly.
3.In Thy dear presence, Lord,
We hope we all may be
A crown of glory and a joy
To those we then shall see.
4.We love Thy coming, Lord;
The time is very nigh.
Our hearts unblameable must be
To greet Thee from on high.
5.The Lord Himself shall come
With loud assembling word,
And all the saints in Christ shall be
Forever with the Lord.
6.We’re children of the day,
We’re children of the light;
That day should never come to us
As does a thief at night.
7.Lord, wholly sanctify
And blameless let us be
In spirit, soul, and body too
For that blest day with Thee.
영어찬송: 1306장 한국어찬송:없음
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