Words of Ministry
[The nature of the kingdom people when doing their righteous deeds] is vastly different from the nature of the worldly people. When the worldly ones donate a hundred dollars, they advertise it, making it appear that they have given a much greater amount. But when we Christians give a hundred dollars, it is better that we only let others know that we have given a dime. We do more than what is visible to others. We can never practice this kind of giving in our natural life. It is possible only in the divine life, the life that does not enjoy making a show. This is the crucial point in this portion of the Word. If we are serious about being the kingdom people, we must learn to live by the hidden life of our Father. We must not live by our natural life, which is always making a display of itself. If we live by our Father's hidden life, we shall do many things without making any public show of them. Rather, all that we do will be in secret, hidden from the eyes of others. I have known a number of dear saints who have done things for the Lord, for the church, and for the saints in secret. They never desired to make a display or to let others know that those things were done by them. These deeds are done according to our Father's nature and according to His secret and hidden life.