Words of Ministry Let us compare these two matters [the Passover and the Lord's supper]. The Israelites were saved and delivered from Egypt, and they kept the Passover feast. God's children today are saved and delivered from the sins of this world, and they partake of the Lord's supper. The Israelites had their lamb. We also have our Lamb?the Lord Jesus, the very Lamb of God. We have been delivered from the sins of the world, from Satan's power, and we are completely on God's side. Thus, we take the Lord's supper in the same way that the Jews partook of the Passover lamb. After He celebrated the Passover feast, “Jesus took bread and blessed it, and He broke it and gave it to the disciples and said, Take, eat; this is My body. And He took a cup and gave thanks, and He gave it to them, saying, Drink of it, all of you, for this is My blood of the covenant, which is being poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.” This is the supper that the Lord instituted. What is the meaning of a supper? It is a time when the whole family comes together to eat in peace after a day's work. It is peaceful dining in full rest. This should be the kind of atmosphere among God's children when they partake of the Lord's supper. They should not be in any haste. Their mind should not be busy thinking about this or that. Instead, they should enjoy their rest in God's house.